Modern Religious Experience: Reflection #4: Buddhist Meditation: "Spend 20 mintues in a silent meditation; a place you won't be disturbed, your own 'fig tree' as was Buddha's inspiration. In those 20 mintue..."
Meditation is difficult for me for many reasons:
1. I get sleepy very easily
2. My mind wanders like crazy
3. I only remember 4 of the 8 folds in the Path
Throughout the ages, particularly in Eastern religions like Buddhism and Hinduism and others, meditation is regarded as a very important practice, essential to heightening a person's religious experience. Meditation is the pathway to nirvana in Buddhism, and is one of many aids used in Hinduism to achieve either nirvana or a higher reincarnation.
In my personal meditation experience, i started out by breathing, which made me very drowsy. Then i moved on to clearing my mind of all extraneous though processes. This was unsuccessful, because my mind is insanely scattered. Finally i tried to reflect on the eightfold path:
Right thought, right concentration, right conduct, right mindfulness, Right.... I blanked out. I went over the meanings of the four i could remember.
I feel like this meditation exercise may have worked better when I didn't have a play coming up in a week, and there were not a thousand things related to that stressing me out. I feel like my thoughts were pure of heart and not sinful, but were just scattered and unrelated to the tenets of the Buddhist faith. I think that meditation would be easier for me during the summer, or maybe Christmas vacation, when i'm just lolling around the house with not too many thoughts on my mind.If there was less to clear out of my mind, it would be easier to empty, right?